It’s always a good plan to set some money aside to use as a down payment when financing a new or “new to you” car. As a general rule, you’ll want to pay 20 percent of the vehicle’s value as a down payment for a new car and 10 percent as a down payment for a used vehicle. This makes tax season an excellent time to shop for a car and use your tax refund as part of your down payment. Below, you’ll find five reasons using your tax refund as a down payment works in your favor. Your Down Payment…
The Benefits of Using Your Tax Refund as a Car Down Payment
It’s always a good plan to set some money aside to use as a down payment when financing a new or “new to you” car. As a general rule, you’ll want to pay 20 percent of the vehicle’s value as a down payment for a new car and 10 percent as a down payment for a used vehicle. This makes tax season an excellent time to shop for a car and use your tax refund as part of your down payment. Below, you’ll find five reasons using your tax refund as a down payment works in your favor. Your Down Payment…