You may have a lot of balance transfer offers from credit card companies piling up in your inbox or mailbox, or popping up while surfing the net. Some may seem like junk mail, but if you’re in a financial bind, a balance transfer offer could seem like a lifeline. Now let’s find out if these ads really give you the whole truth. Balance Transfers Move Debt Between Credit Cards A balance transfer moves outstanding debt from one credit card to a new one. In exchange for moving the debt to a new card, the card issuer promises an incentive, which may be a promotional or introductory low, balance transfer fee waiver, or bonus rewards of some…
What is a Balance Transfer?
You may have a lot of balance transfer offers from credit card companies piling up in your inbox or mailbox, or popping up while surfing the net. Some may seem like junk mail, but if you’re in a financial bind, a balance transfer offer could seem like a lifeline. Now let’s find out if these ads really give you the whole truth. Balance Transfers Move Debt Between Credit Cards A balance transfer moves outstanding debt from one credit card to a new one. In exchange for moving the debt to a new card, the card issuer promises an incentive, which may be a promotional or introductory low, balance transfer fee waiver, or bonus rewards of some…