Your credit score carries a lot of weight in your ability to get credit. Not only that, it affects the interest rate you’re approved for, the cost of your insurance premiums—even your ability to be employed in certain occupations. Many people don’t realize small actions cause ripple effects that can lower your credit score. If you monitor your credit score routinely, you may find these changes perplexing. These are four reasons why your credit score may have changed. You made a large purchase on your credit card. If you make a big credit card purchase, it increases your Credit Utilization Ratio (CUR). The credit utilization ratio is the amount of credit you have available compared to the amount of credit you use. Ideally,…
4 Reasons Your Credit Score Changed
Your credit score carries a lot of weight in your ability to get credit. Not only that, it affects the interest rate you’re approved for, the cost of your insurance premiums—even your ability to be employed in certain occupations. Many people don’t realize small actions cause ripple effects that can lower your credit score. If you monitor your credit score routinely, you may find these changes perplexing. These are four reasons why your credit score may have changed. You made a large purchase on your credit card. If you make a big credit card purchase, it increases your Credit Utilization Ratio (CUR). The credit utilization ratio is the amount of credit you have available compared to the amount of credit you use. Ideally,…