Buying a home is likely the most significant financial transaction you will make in your lifetime. While preparing to purchase a house is exciting, it’s understandable to feel a bit overwhelmed (especially as a first-time buyer). Take a deep breath and relax. We’re here to help ease your mind as we address some of the most commonly asked questions for first-time homebuyers. How Much of a Down Payment Do I Need? The down payment for a home is a lump sum paid upfront to the lender and is a percentage of the home’s total purchase price. The amount required for…
Answering Your First-Time Homebuyer Questions
Buying a home is likely the most significant financial transaction you will make in your lifetime. While preparing to purchase a house is exciting, it’s understandable to feel a bit overwhelmed (especially as a first-time buyer). Take a deep breath and relax. We’re here to help ease your mind as we address some of the most commonly asked questions for first-time homebuyers. How Much of a Down Payment Do I Need? The down payment for a home is a lump sum paid upfront to the lender and is a percentage of the home’s total purchase price. The amount required for…